Here is a hint, ladies of tango: When you kick over the vase of flowers on a table at the edge of the floor, your boleo is too damn high.
(Or, possibly equally, the leader is a pretty poor navigator.)
And a tip for everyone: When it happens twice in one evening, you're not at a very good milonga. But we also knew that from the hopping (!) couples, the floating tango à trois going on at various times throughout the evening, and the music that shifted nonsensically between alternative and traditional within the same tanda. (Even the DJ started to get the message when couples cleared the floor, thinking that his next song was actually a cortina. Looking embarrassed, he faded the music out and went into the next tanda.)
How I wish I were making any of this up.
José Marcos
March 11, 1937 — January 12, 2025 Jose was my favorite partner for the vals
tandas. They were memorable. I know nothing about him other than he was
one o...
11 hours ago